Thursday, August 30, 2007

The law of attraction in action

Perhaps you've heard of the law of attraction but if not or you're not sure...The law of attraction is "the basis of your world, your universe, and All-That-Is. Things of like vibration are drawn to each other", as referenced in Ask And It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

It has been my experience that it takes both effort and surrender to manifest our desires. Having read Ask And It Is Given, participating at The Center for Spiritual Living, a Religious Science Center in Chicago and studying Kundalini Yoga I have discovered truths in all of these disciplines and some of my own truths in attracting my good.

As a yoga teacher and a dancer I often need to feel an experience in my body before I understand it completely in my head. It was recently in my Nia (dance) class that I understood that it takes both effort and giving or the male energy in conjunction with the female energy of ease and receptivity to create. Both the male and female energies that reside within each of us need to be balanced in order to manifest.

I describe this blog as "law of attraction in action" because it is my belief that some of us learn kinesthetically and we need to actually experience our dream and play pretend in order to manifest it. To try it on for size first and see how it fits. I teach two classes focusing on the law of attraction. The first class is called Conscious Creators where we create intentions, share them in a supportive environment and listen to others storytell our intentions back to us. The second class is called Act As If...Your Dreams Are Real where we use theater exercises and law of attraction games to act out our desires. I believe that it is much more fun to create while laughing and enjoying life than trying to will something to happen. For more information on my law of attraction workshops click here. For one on one private phone sessions click here.